Friday, August 26, 2005

The Castle Village Hall・お城の役場

It is certainly about time that I introduced the Inakadate Village Hall. Without question, it is the most outstanding building in Inakadate and probably for even a greater distance beyond that. I think the photo below shows why; the village hall is designed to look like a Japanese style castle.

The building was build about ten years ago and occupies a corner on the 'main street' through Inakadate。Next to it across the parking lot are the community center and village gymnasium. The village hall is officially two buildings, the village hall and the Culture Center, but the two are adjoining and little distinction is made between the two.

In addition to more customer related services like the Residents Division, the first floor of the village hall has several large display cases featuring local products. My desk is on the second floor, along with the mayor's office and the Construction Division. The third floor has the Village Council and the Board of Education. The fourth floor has a coffee shop. The fifth floor is just a stairway and the sixth floor is the castle keep (or lookout tower).
住民課など、村民にサービスを与える係りのほかに、1階には村の特産品を展示 している大きいショーケースやリラックスできるロビーがあります。2階には僕の所属している総務課のほかに、村長のオフィスや建設課があります。3階には、村の議会の会議室と教 育委員会があります。4階は喫茶店とギフト・ショップです。5階は何もなく階段だけで、6階は天守閣(展望台)になっています。

From this top floor is a wonderful view. These days, many people climb to the top to view the Tambo Art, right across the street, but visitors can see most of the southern Tsugaru plain and Mts Iwaki and Hakkoda further in the distance. In keeping with the castle theme, the property also has a gated entryway and a small moat in front of the building filled with colorful carp.
この一番上から非常にいい景色が見えます。この頃、多くの人々は目の前にある 田んぼアートを見るためにそこまで上っています。しかし、その天守閣から南津軽平地のほとんどや岩木山と八甲田山も見えます。お城のテーマに基づいて、役 場の前には大きな門とカラフルな鯉がたくさんは泳いでいるお堀があります。

Finally, the Inakadate village hall is a great place to work. It is spacious and comfortable and filled with many friendly people. I like it here very much.

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