Thursday, November 03, 2005

Happy Halloween • 楽しいハローウイーン

I haven't updated in this blog for a while recently. That is mainly because it has been so busy around here. With many events in Inakadate recently, there has been lots of things to write about, but no time to write them down.

The first thing that that happened a while ago was Halloween. For about a month before Halloween, the kids at Inakadate's three nursery schools started preparing for Halloween. They made lots and lots of decorations; bats, spiders, skeletons, pumpkins and two kinds of ghosts. These they sent with me to decorate the village hall.

In addition they spent a while learning Halloween words like 'bat', 'ghost' or 'trick or treat' and making costumes. Some of the kids made their own costumes which looked really great and a lot of the kids wore the costumes their teacher provided. They were all really creative.

Then October 31, the big day came and all the nursery school students came to visit the village hall. We had put up all the decorations and it looked really great. In addition, we had prepared each section within the village hall with candy to give to the kids when they came by and said 'trick or treat'.

In addition several people at the village hall also dressed up. I was a scarecrow, complete with straw hanging out of my shirt and pants. We also had a samurai, a glamour queen and several animals. The day was a big success.

It was a fun day for all.

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