Monday, February 27, 2006

Radio Show ・ ラジオ番組

One thing I haven't yet written about is my radio show. Inakadate has a community radio show which broadcasts to the immediate community here. On a good weather day, the radio signal makes it to the surrounding municipalities. The frequency is FM76.3.

My show is broadcast on Saturday nights. I record a one hour show and it is rebroadcast three times at 9pm, 11pm and 1am. I try to make the show pretty free format. There is usually a theme for each show which has something to do with the events of the day or season. Recent themes, for example, have been Valentine's Day, the Winter Olympics, Mardi Gras, and St. Patrick's Day (upcoming).

Then using that theme as a base, I try to play some interesting or related music. Some weeks, for St. Patricks or Mardi Gras it is easy to find good related music. Some weeks, it is more difficult. But in general the one hour program is half music and half talk. The talk is half in English and half in Japanese (basically the same thing translated) so there is really only 15 minutes of content.
そして、そのテーマを基にして、関連している音楽を流します。テーマに合うような音楽を見つけることは簡単な場合(セントパトリック、マーティ・グラーなど)と難しい場合があります。しかし、全般にいうと、普通の番組は半分音楽と半分しゃべりとなっています。そしてしゃべりは半分 英語と半分日本語ですので、番組を計画するのに15分ぐらいの中身を考えださなければなりません。

Doing the show is good fun. I prepare during the week and record the shows on Friday afternoon. The radio station and recording studio is at the village's Michi no Eki (a rest area of sorts) and the people who work there are very nice. Here is a photo of everyone there. Of course it is also fun to hear feedback from people who listen to the show. It seems that many people do listen and it is surprising to hear what they think or remember.

So from now on, if you're in the area on a Saturday night, please be sure to tune your radio to 76.3.

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