Friday, March 03, 2006

Tofu Making ・ 豆腐つくり教室

It's been a while now, but a couple of weeks ago I participated in a tofu making class at Inakadate Elementary School. I had been at the school a couple of weeks before and had seen the recipe on the table and when I showed interest they invited me to come.

This event was taught by the women of the local agricultural cooperative who (it seems) are pushing domestic bean production these days. It was really quite interesting and very well organized. The beans had been soaked beforehand so all we had to do was start right in.

First we made soy milk by grinding the soaked beans in a blender and boiling the ground bean and water mixture. This we then strained through a mesh bag in order to get soy milk. We also had a bag full of 'lees', the rest of the beans left over after making the milk.

We then took the soy milk and added 'nigari' which I understand is a thickening agent. It immediately reacted with the soy milk and you could see it start to harden. We left it in the bowl for 5 or 10 minutes and then transfered it to a form. The form was lined with cloth and sitting in the sink and we could see the water came off the tofu.
その後、豆乳に「にがり」という固める物を足しました。これがすぐに豆乳と科学的に反応して、固まり始めました。5〜10分ぐらいボールのままで固めておいてから、豆腐の型に移しました。型は流しの中において、型の中に布を入れておいたから、 出てきた水は簡単に捨てることができました。

In another 5 or 10 minutes the tofu was ready. We cut it into enough pieces for everyone and sat down to eat. The students all had their regular lunches so it was a full meal for them. The tofu tasted great and everyone enjoyed it a lot.

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