Monday, February 27, 2006

Radio Show ・ ラジオ番組

One thing I haven't yet written about is my radio show. Inakadate has a community radio show which broadcasts to the immediate community here. On a good weather day, the radio signal makes it to the surrounding municipalities. The frequency is FM76.3.

My show is broadcast on Saturday nights. I record a one hour show and it is rebroadcast three times at 9pm, 11pm and 1am. I try to make the show pretty free format. There is usually a theme for each show which has something to do with the events of the day or season. Recent themes, for example, have been Valentine's Day, the Winter Olympics, Mardi Gras, and St. Patrick's Day (upcoming).

Then using that theme as a base, I try to play some interesting or related music. Some weeks, for St. Patricks or Mardi Gras it is easy to find good related music. Some weeks, it is more difficult. But in general the one hour program is half music and half talk. The talk is half in English and half in Japanese (basically the same thing translated) so there is really only 15 minutes of content.
そして、そのテーマを基にして、関連している音楽を流します。テーマに合うような音楽を見つけることは簡単な場合(セントパトリック、マーティ・グラーなど)と難しい場合があります。しかし、全般にいうと、普通の番組は半分音楽と半分しゃべりとなっています。そしてしゃべりは半分 英語と半分日本語ですので、番組を計画するのに15分ぐらいの中身を考えださなければなりません。

Doing the show is good fun. I prepare during the week and record the shows on Friday afternoon. The radio station and recording studio is at the village's Michi no Eki (a rest area of sorts) and the people who work there are very nice. Here is a photo of everyone there. Of course it is also fun to hear feedback from people who listen to the show. It seems that many people do listen and it is surprising to hear what they think or remember.

So from now on, if you're in the area on a Saturday night, please be sure to tune your radio to 76.3.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Birdfeeder Making • 餌台つくり

Last Wednesday, the 6th students at Kodenji Elementary School, several students and I got together during one of the English classes and made birdfeeders. It combined some of my favorite activities, woodworking and nature, and was a great experience which I really liked. Here are some of the photos of that day.

The 23 students divided into groups of 4 students and together made 6 birdfeeders. I had prepared most of the materials beforehand. There were about 4 or 5 small cuts that were necessary, but after that, all the students needed to do was drill a few holes and nail and screw the boards together. I write that, but because of all the angle cuts, putting the whole thing together wasn't really easy. Still, everyone did a great job.

This activity is the kind of "internationalization" that I really enjoy. I showed the students photos of the birdfeeders and birdhouses that I made in the USA and talked about some of the things I have made with wood. Through this project I was able to talk to the students individually and get to know a little more about about them.

---------I really had a great time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sliding with the Preschool • 保育所とのソリ遊び

Last week on Wednesday I went sliding with the children from Hatakenaka Preschool. The 3, 4 and 5 year old students all got on the village bus at 9:30 and went to the neighborhood village of Soma. There we stopped at the Romantopia Ski Hill.

After we dropped off our bags and other stuff we headed to the hill. We only could slide on one small hill to the side of the main slope. The hill was quite narrow for 70 or so little kids to all slide at one time, but the length was probably good and everyone seemed to have a good time.

After an hour or so of sliding we went into the ski lodge and there we had a good lunch of curry rice and ice cream. All of the children seemed to like it very much. All in all, it was a great time. I was able to slide a lot with the kids, but the other teachers were busy watching kids all morning and afternoon long.

After lunch we went back out on the sliding hill. We stayed out there for about another hour and then caught the bus back to Inakadate. After running up and down the hill so many times, most of the kids were really tired and slept most of the way back.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Beautiful Snow ・ きれいな雪

But the snow isn't all bad. I have seen many beautiful sites here in Inakadate that exist only because of the snow. People complain about the snow, but it is really beautiful too. Because I like to take photos and like the variety, I am enjoy going out and seeing what sites the snow has created for us.

Here are some of the sites I have captured this winter in our village.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hard Work Shoveling ・ 大変な雪かき

Hopefully the worst is past, but it has been another terrible winter in Inakadate. In the five years I have lived in northern Japan, I had never experienced a white Christmas until this past one. This year the snow started falling about the 10th of December and really hasn't stopped since then.

I think that just about everyone in Inakadate and Aomori is getting tired of the snow. Snow is a lot of work here. In my hometown in Minnesota it snows a lot, but because of the wide lawns and large spaces, there is lots of room to throw it. Here however, houses are close and roads have big walls nearby and there is no place to easily get rid of the snow.

That makes for lots of work. Many people put the snow into a truck and haul it to the river. I often see three or four trucks lined up by the river (which never freezes) with people dumping off snow. It looks like a lot of work and I can't imagine Minnesotans doing it. The other day in Hirosaki, I saw more than 100 trucks lined up.

I also see lots of people shoveling snow off their roofs. Only rarely do I see that in Minnesota and then most often people do it from the ground. I would guess that across Japan this winter, probably 20 people have died falling off their roofs.

I just want to say 'thank you for all your hard work' to the people of Inakadate. Because of this hard work, the environment in which we all live is safe and comfortable.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Rope on Hattanda Torii ・ 八反田鳥居の縄

Just a few days ago I was out walking and decided to go and check on the shrine where we had the Naked Festival on January 1st. On that day we carried the large rope to the shrine (from the community center), had a dedication ceremony in the shrine building and then set the rope on the torii archway just temporarily.
数日前に、散歩に出かけていたたら、1月1 日に参加した裸参りの八幡神社に行って見ようと思いました。その裸参りの時、部落の男の人たちが非常に大きい縄を(会館から)神社まで運びました。神社に着いたら、簡単な奉納式をして、その縄を一時的に鳥居に挙げて帰りました。

I wondered to myself what has happened since then and when I went back a few days ago, I was happy to see the rope was up and tied in its permanent place. I also understood that it isn't a simple matter of tying it up into place. In the day of the festival I wondered why we didn't tie it up that day, but looking at the detail of the knots that bind the rope to the gate, I can understand why we couldn't do it while still naked. I don't know how long it took, but whoever tied it up there in this cold weather must really be something!

It certainly looks great!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Icicles ・ 氷柱(つらら)

With all the snow Aomori has received in the 6 weeks and temperatures hovering near freezing, Inakadate has become a world of icicles. Most days when the sun shines, the snow melts on rooftops and starts dripping down. When that water hits the eaves and the resulting cooler temperatures (especially at night) they freeze into some huge icicles.

The big ones are great too, but some of the most interesting icicles I have seen happen when the snow slowly slides off the roof, gradually changing the angle of the forming icicles. This then allows the formation of numerous smaller icicles which, more than anything, resemble the teeth of a shark, row after row of sharp spikes ready to do whatever damage they may.

I also discovered that thatched roofs seem to make more and more colorful icicles than metal or tile roofs. These brown and yellow icicles are hanging on one of the village's thatched roof houses.
もう一つの発見ですが、 茅葺きの屋根にできる氷柱がとたん又は瓦の屋根の氷柱よりカラフルであることです。この茶色と黄色の氷柱が村の茅葺きがある家でできているのはすばらしい光景です。

Friday, February 03, 2006

Setsubun ・ 節分

Today is another big day in the traditional Japanese calendar. February 3 is
Setsubun, the day to throw beans at the demons in order to drive them out while at the same time to welcome in good fortune.

And who better to play the part of the demon than a big ugly guy with a beard. Yes, I had the honor of being the demon at the Hatakenaka Preschool here in Inakadate this morning. All of the kids loaded up with handfuls of beans and, while screaming 'Oni wa soto' (out with the demons), 'Fuku wa uchi' (in with the good fortune), threw the beans at the terrible oni.

It seemed to be effective. You could feel a definite increase in the amount of good fortune in Inakadate all afternoon.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Barrels in the Rice Field ・ 田んぼの中のドラム缶

There's really no story behind this photo. I just took it a few days ago near the junior high school and thought it was kind of neat. It is a bunch of barrels and drums out in a rice field covered with snow.

Since then we have had much more snow and the barrels are completely gone now.

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